CALH Journal
Contents CALH Journal (No. 50) Autumn 2005
1 1st Editorial & 50th Editorial
2 Tideford Farm in the 19th Century Raymond Gentle
20 The Accounts and Letters of Samuel Enys June Palmer
28 Investigations in the Gardens at Trerice Joy Wilson
32 Building into the Reformation Joanna Mattingly
36 Richard Coad - Architect (1825-1900) George Vaughan Ellis
53 Why Would Anyone Make it up? Susan Hoyle
Short Notes
67 Historic Environment Strategic Plan Joy Wilson
68 The Failed Recruiting Campaign of 1804 James P. Derriman
70 The Robert Bennet Papers 1603-1678 James P. Derriman
70 Book Reviews
72 Lecture Appraisal – Discoveries in the Cornish Landscape Pamela Dodds
73 A Poem - An Island Marie N. Dowrick
Day Visits
79 Redruth with Michael Tangye Raymond Gentle
81 Liskeard with Tony Wood & John Fisher Derek G. Reynolds
83 Roche and St Dennis with 'Bill' Glanville John & Hilary Ballard
84 Launceston with Rob Tremain & Arthur Willis Brian Wilson
AGM Bodmin - Conference Reports
85 Harold Fox - Fishing Villages of Devon Tony Wood
85 Joanna Mattingly - Cornish Language and Coastal Villages Susan Hoyle